Basic Goat Primer -- Extensive information on goats. Breeds, care, goat clubs, books and supplies. |
Goat Droppings -- Information and links presented courtesy of The Cooperative Extension Service, Clemson University, South Carolina. Includes the Meat Goat Production and Marketing Handbook. |
Goats and More Goats -- Extensive information on goats from the Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club. Information on goat breeds, care and health issues, an interactive goat anatomy quiz, and video files. |
Goats WebRing -- Information on how to join this ring, and a link to the index of member sites. |
goatwisdom -- Information and links for goat breeders. |
Karwarn Station -- A site specializing in problems and solutions for hand rearing Australian feral goats. Useful for all breeders. Located in NSW, Australia. |
National Goat Handbook -- Providing information on all aspects of goat husbandry. |
Oklahoma State University - Goat Resource Library -- A variety of links to goat resources on the web. |